Makeup Makeup tips

How to Apply Eyeliner – A Step by Step Guide

Eyeliner is one of the go-to tools for your makeup. Today, we’ll share How to Apply Eyeliner, a step-by-step guide.

Skin Skin Care Tips

How To Hide a Pimple?

While getting rid of the pimple may take some time, you must always be searching for a temporary solution that can hide your pimple instantly.

Skin Skin Care Tips

Is Dark Skin Different?

Traditional beauty standards have always mostly revolved around lighter shades of skin, but over time, the level of acceptance amongst the beauty industry and most especially black people has soared. When compared to lighter skin shades, dark skin is very prominent and noticeable, this fact is not the weakness that most black people have been […]

Makeup Makeup tips

How To Get Longer Eyelashes

There are a lot of ways to naturally strengthen the lashes, make them thicker, fuller and longer without resorting to lash extensions and growth serums, which can be very expensive.  These methods are easy, effective and cheap and have been used by other people to stimulate lashes growth when used over time. But make sure […]

Skin Skin Care Tips

Does Vaseline Darken your Skin?

Many people swear by Vaseline to make the skin softer, but does it make it dark? Vaseline is one popular petroleum jelly that has existed in the market for over 140 years. Well, it is perfectly safe to use Vaseline as a moisturizer which is literally what most people do, but it has other uses. […]